Enhancing the developmental competence of prepubertal lamb oocytes by supplementing the in vitro maturation medium with sericin and the fibroblast growth factor 2 – leukemia inhibitory factor – Insulin-like growth factor 1 combination
The mediocre development of prepubilier animal oocytes is a major factor that prevents the application of technology, juvenile in vitro embryo transfer (Jivet). The purpose of this study was to explore the possibility of improving the development competence of prepuberian oocytes by completing the environment of the oocyte in vitro (IVM) with antioxidants and cytokines. The effects of two antioxidants, melatonin and sericin have been examined first. The results showed that melatonin had no significant beneficial role in the development of lamb oocytes, while 0.5% of sericin completed during the GVM has increased considerably the blastocyst rate of lamb oocytes ( 46.5% against 19.2% control, p <0.05).
Then, effects of two types of combined supplements, insulin-transferrin-selenium (STI) and fibroblast growth 2 form of form of form of shape -insulin1 (IGF1) (FLF) ) has been tested. The results indicated that the addition of FLI, but not its, in the environment IVM, has considerably improved the development of lamb oocyte blastocyst (43.9% of the group FLI vs 21.6% in control, p < 0.05). Another comparison showed that oocyte development competence was not significantly different between supplementation with sericin or the FLI alone or both, who all generated similar blastocyst delivery results with supplementation with a follicular fluid adult. Finally, 27 blastocysts made from matured lamb oocytes in the presence of seddles and FLIs were transferred to recipients, 9 of which were pregnant. This study suggests that prepubyte oocyte development skills can be improved by completing the IVM environment with relevant agents such as sericin and cytokines.
Identification and characterization of a fibroblast growth factor in the plan of Japonica Dugeariane
The planels belong to the phylum Platyhelminthhhelheuthes and can regenerate their parts of the missing body after an injury by activating somatic pluripotent stem cells called neoblasts. Previous studies have suggested that the signaling of the fibroblast growth factor (FGF) plays a crucial role in the regulation of the differentiation of the tissues of the head during planar regeneration. To date, however, no FGF counterparts in the Platyhelmines have been reported. Here we used a model of divers of the Japanese Dugeanian and identified an FGF gene called DJFGF, which codes a putitative secreted protein with a basic FGF domain characteristic of the FGF8 / 17/18 subfamily in bilateers . By using Xenopus embryos, we found that Djfgf had an FGF activity as analyzed by Xbra induction. We then examined the DJFGF expression in intact and regenerating non-regenerating planes.
In intact planes, Djfgf was expressed in the auricles in the head and pharynx. In the process of early regeneration, DJFGF was transited in a subset of differentiated cells around wounds. In particular, the DJFGF expression was strongly induced in the process of regeneration of the head relative to that of the regeneration of the tail. In addition, the tests of the regeneration of the tail fragments revealed that combinatorial actions of the kinase (ERK) and the posterior signaling of the kinase (ERK) and posterior WNT / β-catenin signaling limited to a Certain part of anterior body. It is the region where neablasts undergo an active proliferation to give rise to their differentiating offspring in response to the injury. The data suggest the possibility that Djfgf acts as an earlier counterpart of the localized WNT molecules posterior and to trigger neoblast responses involved in the regeneration of the flat head.

Intracorded injection of the basic fibroblast growth factor in 100 cases of atrophy and vocal scar
Objectives / Hypothesis: Atrophy, a scar and vocal sulcus reduce vibratory function of vocal pli mucosa, which causes severe refractory dysphonia. We reported encouraging preliminary results using an intracordal fibroblast growth factor intracordal injection (BFGF) and showed an improvement in the phonatory parameters and voice. This study summarizes our experience with 100 cases of reinforced voice folds treated with BFGF injections.
Design of the study: Review of the retrospective graph with the approval of the Interstitial Commission (IRB).
Methods: The local injection of BFGF was carried out in 100 cases of vocal pathology, which included 43 cases of vocal fold atrophy, 41 cases with scar and 16 cases with sulcus. Ten micrograms of BFGF have been injected into the voice folds under topical anesthesia 4 times in each patient. Therapeutic results were examined with a maximum duration of telephony (MPT), an index of the handicap-10 voice (VHI-10) and a GRBAS scale.
Results: MPT, VHI-10 and GBL scores have improved considerably in all pathology groups. An improvement in VHI-10 greater than five points was observed in 82% of atrophy cases, 78% of scars and 67% of Sulcus cases. Improvement of VHI-10 was significantly better in the atrophy group than Scar or Sulcus groups. Light / moderate cases of scar and sulcus have shown a better improvement than serious cases.
Fibroblast Growth Factor 1 (FGF1) Antibody |
20-abx000547 | Abbexa |
Fibroblast Growth Factor 1 (FGF1) Antibody |
20-abx000820 | Abbexa |
Fibroblast Growth Factor 2 (FGF2) Antibody |
abx000620-100l | Abbexa | 100 µl | EUR 400 |
Fibroblast Growth Factor 2 (FGF2) Antibody |
20-abx000620 | Abbexa |
Fibroblast Growth Factor 2 (FGF2) Antibody |
abx000620-20l | Abbexa | 20 µl | EUR 175 |
Fibroblast Growth Factor 2 (FGF2) Antibody |
abx000620-50l | Abbexa | 50 µl | EUR 275 |
Fibroblast Growth Factor 9 (FGF9) Antibody |
abx004874-100l | Abbexa | 100 µl | EUR 400 |
Fibroblast Growth Factor 9 (FGF9) Antibody |
20-abx004874 | Abbexa |
Fibroblast Growth Factor 9 (FGF9) Antibody |
abx004874-20l | Abbexa | 20 µl | EUR 175 |
Fibroblast Growth Factor 9 (FGF9) Antibody |
abx004874-50l | Abbexa | 50 µl | EUR 275 |
Fibroblast Growth Factor 4 (FGF4) Antibody |
abx033910-100g | Abbexa | 100 µg | EUR 250 |
Fibroblast Growth Factor 4 (FGF4) Antibody |
abx033910-400ul | Abbexa | 400 ul | EUR 627.6 |
Fibroblast Growth Factor 4 (FGF4) Antibody |
abx033910-80l | Abbexa | 80 µl | EUR 343.2 |
Fibroblast Growth Factor 8 (Fgf8) Antibody |
abx031123-400l | Abbexa | 400 µl | EUR 518.75 |
Fibroblast Growth Factor 8 (Fgf8) Antibody |
abx031123-400ul | Abbexa | 400 ul | EUR 627.6 |
Fibroblast Growth Factor 8 (Fgf8) Antibody |
abx031123-80l | Abbexa | 80 µl | EUR 250 |
Fibroblast Growth Factor 8 (FGF8) Antibody |
20-abx007246 | Abbexa |
Fibroblast Growth Factor 2 (FGF2) Antibody |
abx025602-400l | Abbexa | 400 µl | EUR 518.75 |
Fibroblast Growth Factor 2 (FGF2) Antibody |
abx025602-400ul | Abbexa | 400 ul | EUR 661.2 |
Fibroblast Growth Factor 2 (FGF2) Antibody |
abx025602-80l | Abbexa | 80 µl | EUR 281.25 |
Fibroblast Growth Factor 7 (FGF7) Antibody |
abx025631-400l | Abbexa | 400 µl | EUR 518.75 |
Fibroblast Growth Factor 7 (FGF7) Antibody |
abx025631-400ul | Abbexa | 400 ul | EUR 627.6 |
Fibroblast Growth Factor 7 (FGF7) Antibody |
abx025631-80l | Abbexa | 80 µl | EUR 250 |
Fibroblast Growth Factor 5 (FGF5) Antibody |
20-abx009268 | Abbexa |
Fibroblast Growth Factor 2 (FGF2) Antibody |
abx010777-100g | Abbexa | 100 µg | Ask for price |
Fibroblast Growth Factor 2 (FGF2) Antibody |
abx010777-100ul | Abbexa | 100 ul | EUR 493.2 |
Fibroblast Growth Factor 2 (FGF2) Antibody |
abx010777-10g | Abbexa | 10 µg | EUR 362.5 |
Fibroblast Growth Factor 2 (FGF2) Antibody |
abx010777-200g | Abbexa | 200 µg | Ask for price |
Fibroblast Growth Factor 6 (FGF6) Antibody |
abx005645-100l | Abbexa | 100 µl | EUR 175 |
Fibroblast Growth Factor 4 (FGF4) Antibody |
abx015858-100ul | Abbexa | 100 ul | EUR 493.2 |
Fibroblast Growth Factor 4 (FGF4) Antibody |
abx015858-1mg | Abbexa | 1 mg | EUR 362.5 |
Fibroblast Growth Factor 4 (FGF4) Antibody |
abx016027-100ug | Abbexa | 100 ug | EUR 493.2 |
Fibroblast Growth Factor 4 (FGF4) Antibody |
abx016027-1mg | Abbexa | 1 mg | EUR 362.5 |
Fibroblast Growth Factor 7 (FGF7) Antibody |
20-abx242424 | Abbexa |
Fibroblast Growth Factor 7 (FGF7) Antibody |
abx242424-1096tests | Abbexa | 10 × 96 tests | Ask for price |
Fibroblast Growth Factor 7 (FGF7) Antibody |
abx242424-596tests | Abbexa | 5 × 96 tests | EUR 350 |
Fibroblast Growth Factor 7 (FGF7) Antibody |
abx242424-96tests | Abbexa | 96 tests | EUR 250 |
Fibroblast Growth Factor 9 (FGF9) Antibody |
abx213709-100l | Abbexa | 100 µl | EUR 250 |
Fibroblast Growth Factor 9 (FGF9) Antibody |
20-abx213709 | Abbexa |
Fibroblast Growth Factor 7 (FGF7) Antibody |
abx213847-100l | Abbexa | 100 µl | EUR 250 |
Fibroblast Growth Factor 7 (FGF7) Antibody |
20-abx213847 | Abbexa |
Fibroblast Growth Factor 1 (FGF1) Antibody |
20-abx214480 | Abbexa |
Fibroblast Growth Factor 2 (FGF2) Antibody |
abx214481-100tests | Abbexa | 100 tests | EUR 350 |
Fibroblast Growth Factor 2 (FGF2) Antibody |
abx214481-200tests | Abbexa | 200 tests | Ask for price |
Fibroblast Growth Factor 2 (FGF2) Antibody |
abx214481-20tests | Abbexa | 20 tests | EUR 250 |
Fibroblast Growth Factor 2 (FGF2) Antibody |
abx301364-100g | Abbexa | 100 µg | EUR 362.5 |
Fibroblast Growth Factor 2 (FGF2) Antibody |
20-abx301364 | Abbexa |
Fibroblast Growth Factor 2 (FGF2) Antibody |
abx301364-20g | Abbexa | 20 µg | EUR 162.5 |
Fibroblast Growth Factor 2 (FGF2) Antibody |
abx301364-50g | Abbexa | 50 µg | EUR 250 |
Fibroblast Growth Factor 8 (FGF8) Antibody |
abx301773-100g | Abbexa | 100 µg | EUR 362.5 |
Fibroblast Growth Factor 8 (FGF8) Antibody |
20-abx301773 | Abbexa |
Fibroblast Growth Factor 8 (FGF8) Antibody |
abx301773-20g | Abbexa | 20 µg | EUR 162.5 |
Fibroblast Growth Factor 8 (FGF8) Antibody |
abx301773-50g | Abbexa | 50 µg | EUR 250 |
Fibroblast Growth Factor 3 (FGF3) Antibody |
abx102624-100l | Abbexa | 100 µl | EUR 275 |
Fibroblast Growth Factor 3 (FGF3) Antibody |
20-abx102624 | Abbexa |
Fibroblast Growth Factor 3 (FGF3) Antibody |
abx102624-1ml | Abbexa | 1 ml | EUR 750 |
Fibroblast Growth Factor 3 (FGF3) Antibody |
abx102624-200l | Abbexa | 200 µl | EUR 337.5 |
Fibroblast Growth Factor 6 (FGF6) Antibody |
abx102625-100l | Abbexa | 100 µl | EUR 250 |
Fibroblast Growth Factor 6 (FGF6) Antibody |
20-abx102625 | Abbexa |
Fibroblast Growth Factor 6 (FGF6) Antibody |
abx102625-1ml | Abbexa | 1 ml | EUR 675 |
Fibroblast Growth Factor 6 (FGF6) Antibody |
abx102625-200l | Abbexa | 200 µl | EUR 312.5 |
Fibroblast Growth Factor 7 (FGF7) Antibody |
abx102626-100l | Abbexa | 100 µl | EUR 262.5 |
Fibroblast Growth Factor 7 (FGF7) Antibody |
20-abx102626 | Abbexa |
Fibroblast Growth Factor 7 (FGF7) Antibody |
abx102626-1ml | Abbexa | 1 ml | EUR 687.5 |
Fibroblast Growth Factor 7 (FGF7) Antibody |
abx102626-200l | Abbexa | 200 µl | EUR 325 |
Fibroblast Growth Factor 2 (FGF2) Antibody |
abx103416-100g | Abbexa | 100 µg | EUR 500 |
Fibroblast Growth Factor 2 (FGF2) Antibody |
abx103416-20g | Abbexa | 20 µg | EUR 212.5 |
Fibroblast Growth Factor 2 (FGF2) Antibody |
abx103416-50g | Abbexa | 50 µg | EUR 262.5 |
Fibroblast Growth Factor 2 (FGF2) Antibody |
abx103417-100g | Abbexa | 100 µg | EUR 725 |
Fibroblast Growth Factor 2 (FGF2) Antibody |
abx103417-20g | Abbexa | 20 µg | EUR 262.5 |
Fibroblast Growth Factor 2 (FGF2) Antibody |
abx103417-50g | Abbexa | 50 µg | EUR 337.5 |
Fibroblast Growth Factor 7 (FGF7) Antibody |
abx109290-100l | Abbexa | 100 µl | EUR 162.5 |
Fibroblast Growth Factor 7 (FGF7) Antibody |
20-abx109290 | Abbexa |
Fibroblast Growth Factor 1 (FGF1) Antibody |
20-abx109783 | Abbexa |
Fibroblast Growth Factor 1 (FGF1) Antibody |
20-abx109784 | Abbexa |
Fibroblast Growth Factor 2 (FGF2) Antibody |
abx109785-100l | Abbexa | 100 µl | EUR 162.5 |
Fibroblast Growth Factor 2 (FGF2) Antibody |
abx109860-150l | Abbexa | 150 µl | EUR 250 |
Fibroblast Growth Factor 2 (FGF2) Antibody |
abx109860-50l | Abbexa | 50 µl | EUR 162.5 |
Fibroblast Growth Factor 1 (FGF1) Antibody |
20-abx112524 | Abbexa |
Fibroblast Growth Factor 5 (FGF5) Antibody |
abx323550-100g | Abbexa | 100 µg | EUR 250 |
Fibroblast Growth Factor 5 (FGF5) Antibody |
20-abx323550 | Abbexa |
Fibroblast Growth Factor 5 (FGF5) Antibody |
abx323550-50g | Abbexa | 50 µg | EUR 187.5 |
Fibroblast Growth Factor 3 (FGF3) Antibody |
abx331942-100ul | Abbexa | 100 ul | EUR 510 |
Fibroblast Growth Factor 4 (FGF4) Antibody |
abx341854-100l | Abbexa | 100 µl | EUR 350 |
Fibroblast Growth Factor 4 (FGF4) Antibody |
abx341854-50l | Abbexa | 50 µl | EUR 250 |
Fibroblast Growth Factor 3 (FGF3) Antibody |
abx131895-100g | Abbexa | 100 µg | EUR 787.5 |
Fibroblast Growth Factor 3 (FGF3) Antibody |
20-abx131895 | Abbexa |
Fibroblast Growth Factor 3 (FGF3) Antibody |
abx131895-20g | Abbexa | 20 µg | EUR 350 |
Fibroblast Growth Factor 3 (FGF3) Antibody |
abx131895-5g | Abbexa | 5 µg | EUR 275 |
Fibroblast Growth Factor 7 (FGF7) Antibody |
abx135946-100tests | Abbexa | 100 tests | EUR 175 |
Fibroblast Growth Factor 7 (FGF7) Antibody |
20-abx135946 | Abbexa |
Fibroblast Growth Factor 2 (FGF2) Antibody |
abx137007-01mg | Abbexa | 0.1 mg | EUR 487.5 |
Fibroblast Growth Factor 9 (FGF9) Antibody |
20-abx133760 | Abbexa |
Fibroblast Growth Factor 6 (FGF6) Antibody |
abx129725-100l | Abbexa | 100 µl | EUR 262.5 |
Fibroblast Growth Factor 6 (FGF6) Antibody |
20-abx129725 | Abbexa |
Fibroblast Growth Factor 6 (FGF6) Antibody |
abx129725-1ml | Abbexa | 1 ml | EUR 687.5 |
Fibroblast Growth Factor 6 (FGF6) Antibody |
abx129725-200l | Abbexa | 200 µl | EUR 325 |
Fibroblast Growth Factor 2 (FGF2) Antibody |
abx129732-100l | Abbexa | 100 µl | EUR 262.5 |
Fibroblast Growth Factor 2 (FGF2) Antibody |
abx129732-1ml | Abbexa | 1 ml | EUR 687.5 |
Fibroblast Growth Factor 2 (FGF2) Antibody |
abx129732-200l | Abbexa | 200 µl | EUR 325 |
Fibroblast Growth Factor 6 (FGF6) Antibody |
abx130364-100l | Abbexa | 100 µl | EUR 262.5 |
Fibroblast Growth Factor 6 (FGF6) Antibody |
20-abx130364 | Abbexa |
Fibroblast Growth Factor 6 (FGF6) Antibody |
abx130364-1ml | Abbexa | 1 ml | EUR 725 |
Fibroblast Growth Factor 6 (FGF6) Antibody |
abx130364-200l | Abbexa | 200 µl | EUR 337.5 |
Fibroblast Growth Factor 8 (FGF8) Antibody |
abx432688-100g | Abbexa | 100 µg | EUR 387.5 |
Fibroblast Growth Factor 8 (FGF8) Antibody |
abx432688-200ul | Abbexa | 200 ul | EUR 460.8 |
Fibroblast Growth Factor 2 (FGF2) Antibody |
abx176417-1096tests | Abbexa | 10 × 96 tests | EUR 650 |
Fibroblast Growth Factor 2 (FGF2) Antibody |
abx176417-596tests | Abbexa | 5 × 96 tests | EUR 312.5 |
Fibroblast Growth Factor 2 (FGF2) Antibody |
abx176417-96tests | Abbexa | 96 tests | EUR 250 |
Fibroblast Growth Factor 2 (FGF2) Antibody |
abx176419-1096tests | Abbexa | 10 × 96 tests | EUR 725 |
Fibroblast Growth Factor 2 (FGF2) Antibody |
abx176419-596tests | Abbexa | 5 × 96 tests | EUR 337.5 |
Fibroblast Growth Factor 2 (FGF2) Antibody |
abx176419-96tests | Abbexa | 96 tests | EUR 262.5 |
Fibroblast Growth Factor 2 (FGF2) Antibody |
abx176420-1096tests | Abbexa | 10 × 96 tests | EUR 725 |
Fibroblast Growth Factor 2 (FGF2) Antibody |
abx176420-596tests | Abbexa | 5 × 96 tests | EUR 337.5 |
Fibroblast Growth Factor 2 (FGF2) Antibody |
abx176420-96tests | Abbexa | 96 tests | EUR 262.5 |
Fibroblast Growth Factor 2 (FGF2) Antibody |
abx176422-1096tests | Abbexa | 10 × 96 tests | EUR 812.5 |
Fibroblast Growth Factor 2 (FGF2) Antibody |
abx176422-596tests | Abbexa | 5 × 96 tests | EUR 362.5 |
Fibroblast Growth Factor 2 (FGF2) Antibody |
abx176422-96tests | Abbexa | 96 tests | EUR 287.5 |
Fibroblast Growth Factor 3 (FGF3) Antibody |
20-abx176427 | Abbexa |
Fibroblast Growth Factor 3 (FGF3) Antibody |
20-abx176428 | Abbexa |
Fibroblast Growth Factor 3 (FGF3) Antibody |
20-abx176429 | Abbexa |
Fibroblast Growth Factor 4 (FGF4) Antibody |
20-abx176430 | Abbexa |
Fibroblast Growth Factor 4 (FGF4) Antibody |
abx176430-1096tests | Abbexa | 10 × 96 tests | EUR 675 |
Fibroblast Growth Factor 4 (FGF4) Antibody |
abx176430-596tests | Abbexa | 5 × 96 tests | EUR 312.5 |
Fibroblast Growth Factor 4 (FGF4) Antibody |
abx176430-96tests | Abbexa | 96 tests | EUR 250 |
Fibroblast Growth Factor 4 (FGF4) Antibody |
abx176431-1096tests | Abbexa | 10 × 96 tests | Ask for price |
Fibroblast Growth Factor 4 (FGF4) Antibody |
20-abx176431 | Abbexa |
Fibroblast Growth Factor 4 (FGF4) Antibody |
abx176431-596tests | Abbexa | 5 × 96 tests | Ask for price |
Fibroblast Growth Factor 4 (FGF4) Antibody |
abx176431-96tests | Abbexa | 96 tests | EUR 687.5 |
Fibroblast Growth Factor 4 (FGF4) Antibody |
20-abx176432 | Abbexa |
Fibroblast Growth Factor 4 (FGF4) Antibody |
20-abx176433 | Abbexa |
Fibroblast Growth Factor 4 (FGF4) Antibody |
20-abx176434 | Abbexa |
Fibroblast Growth Factor 6 (FGF6) Antibody |
20-abx176435 | Abbexa |
Fibroblast Growth Factor 6 (FGF6) Antibody |
20-abx176436 | Abbexa |
Fibroblast Growth Factor 7 (FGF7) Antibody |
20-abx176437 | Abbexa |
Fibroblast Growth Factor 7 (FGF7) Antibody |
abx176437-1096tests | Abbexa | 10 × 96 tests | EUR 500 |
Conclusions: The current case series indicates positive effects of BFGF intracordal injection to improve the voice without serious adverse effects. The effects seemed better for atrophy cases, while the treatment of the severe scar and sulcus requires additional improvement.
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